How to Reach Leh Ladakh

By Road from Delhi - Chandigarh - Manali
Ladakh is approx 1050 Kms from Delhi – Chandigarh - Manali - Leh.
Delhi to Chandigarh is Approx 250 kms and Chandigarh to Manali is approx 325 Kms
While as Manali to Leh is approx 500 Km.

This is advisable to travel by overnight VOLVO from Delhi to Manali and further Manali to Leh in two days as well as three days. You may have possibility to stay en route from manali to Leh either at Jispa or Sarchu or you may stay each night at Jispa and Sarchu for better acclimatization.

By Road from Srinagar to Leh
Srinagar to Leh is Approx 420 Kms via Kargil. Srinagar to Kargil is approx 200 kms while as Kargil to Leh is approx 220 Kms You may stay at Kargil as a nigh halt so that you can enjoy all the paces en route while travelling on this sector such as Sonamarg – Zojila pass – Kargil war memorial etc. Kargil to Leh Kargil to Leh drive is most fantastic and offer you many touristic points such as Mulbekh Buddha Rock Statue, Fatu La Pass , Lamayuru monastery, Alchi monastery, Likir Monastery, Basgo Monastery, Confluence of Zanskar and Indus river, Magnetic hill, Pathar Sahib Gurudwara, Phyang Monastery, Spituk monatery etc.. Aryan Valley – Dah Hanu Villages You have possibility to visit Dah hanu villages called Aryan Valley from Kargil to Himbotingla pass and further to reach at Batalik sector and arrive at Aryan valley. Dah – Hanu – Gorkon – Beama are some of the villages related to Aryan – Drokpa community. From Aryan Valley you have possibility to drive further to Khaltse where you will join the Kargil Leh highway or you may take a route from Aryan valley to Sanjak – Bodhkharbu just before the Lamayuru Monatsrey where you can join the Kargil Leh highway. You may visit some hidden places of this valley by following the Sanjak – Bodhkharbu route. Leh by Flight Regular flights are available from Delhi to Leh and return. Though you may have connections from Jammu, Chandigarh and Srinagar to Leh (couple of days in a week and subject to change). Ladakh By Train There are two entrance points to visit Ladakh either arrive at Chandigarh by train and further overland to Leh via Manali Or You may opt to arrive at Jammu railway station or Udhampur railway station and further overland drive to Srinagar – Kargil – Leh.